Midlife & Beyond
COPE Well with Change: A Supportive Skills Group for Women in Midlife and Beyond
Next Session starts September 25th
For 6 weeks, we will meet for 2 hours via Zoom and our conversations together will focus on:
1) Normalizing the Midlife and Beyond Experience: We will normalize and validate our experience to move beyond feeling isolated and to a place of acceptance that this is the natural progression of our lives.
2) Living in the Present: We will practice living in the present moment versus focusing on the past and resisting the process of moving forward.
3) Self Compassion: We will notice our inner critic and develop the skill of replacing its unhelpful voice with a voice of self compassion.
4) Radical Acceptance: We will accept our humanness and life circumstances to limit the distress associated with this period.
5) Framework for Emotional Resilience: We will develop a lifestyle framework that works for us. Rather than using unhelpful "shoulds," we will develop a self-inspired way of moving forward.
Each 2-hour group session is $162 and invoices will be provided for insurance purposes upon payment receipt.